The list below includes all publications produced from 1977 to the present. Many of these documents are available electronically, and the links for these are posted. To obtain print copies of those documents not available online, please contact the CSPG.
The Crown and Parliament | Electoral and Parliamentary Reform | Provincial and Territorial Politics | Technology, Parliaments and Citizens | Leaders, Parties and Parliamentarians | The Constitution, the Crown and the Charter | Accountability and Ethics | Mechanisms of Parliament | Luncheon Addresses
The Crown and Parliament
The Crown and Parliament
(1.2 MB, 416 pages)
- Foreword
(38 kB, 2 pages)
His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston
Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada
- Introduction
(52 kB, 2 pages)
Michel Bédard
- Chapter 1 (French only) - L’évolution de la relation entre la couronne et le parlement anglais
(182 kB, 43 pages)
André Émond
- Chapter 2 - Parliament and the Crown: A Canadian Perspective
(82 kB, 13 pages)
David E. Smith
- Chapter 3 - The Legislative Process and Judicial Review: Royal Functions and their Justiciability
(130 kB, 33 pages)
John Mark Keyes
- Chapter 4 - The Role of the Crown-in- Parliament: A Matter of Form and Substance
(140 kB, 37 pages)
Charles Robert
- Chapter 5 - The Royal Recommendation
(73 kB, 11 pages)
Rob Walsh
- Chapter 6 - The ‘Convention’ to Consult Parliament on Decisions to Deploy the Military: a Political Mirage?
(124 kB, 28 pages)
Alexander Bolt
- Chapter 7 - Recovering the Royal Prerogative
(123 kB, 30 pages)
Paul Benoit
- Chapter 8 - The Crown and Constitutional Amendment in Canada
(144 kB, 38 pages)
Philippe Lagassé & Patrick Baud
- Chapter 9 - Subtle yet significant innovations: The Advisory Committee on Vice- Regal Appointments and the Secretary’s new Royal powers
(102 kB, 21 pages)
Christopher McCreery
- Chapter 10 - Succession to the Throne and the Architecture of the Constitution of Canada
(120 kB, 30 pages)
Mark D. Walters
- Chapter 11 (French only) - La monarchie constitutionnelle au Canada : une institution stable, complexe et souple
(128 kB, 26 pages)
L’honorable Serge Joyal
- Chapter 12 - Succession to the Crown of Canada
(145 kB, 34 pages)
Anne Twomey
- Chapter 13 (French only) - L’abdication du roi Édouard VIII en 1936 : « autopsie » d’une modification de la Constitution canadienne
(214 kB, 51 pages)
Julien Fournier, Patrick Taillon, Geneviève Motard & André Binette
- Conclusion
(59 kB, 5 pages)
Philippe Lagassé
Electoral and Parliamentary Reform
- Electoral Reform and its Parliamentary Consequences
(50 kB, 11 pages) - 2004 Conference proceedings
- Electoral System Reform: What are the options?
(98 kB, 9 pages) - Dr. André Blais, 2004
- Parliamentary Reform: Making It Work
(3 MB, 43 pages), May 13, 1994
- Reforming Electoral Democracy / Responses to the Lortie Royal Commission
(1 MB, 17 pages), May 31, 1992
- Year 7: A Review of the McGrath Committee Report
(4 MB, 46 pages), December 2, 1992
- Reform of Electoral Campaigns
(1 MB, 22 pages), March 23-24, 1990
- Future of Canadian Federalism
(1 MB, 23 pages), November 9-10, 1990
- Can Deficits Destroy Parliament? Privatization: the Experience in Ottawa and Quebec City; the White Paper on Tax Reform
(1 MB, 13 pages), November 4-5, 1987
- House of Commons Reform and Parliament's Proposed Scrutiny of Appointments
(1 MB, 14 pages), March 7, 1985
- Reform of Parliament: Toward National Policies and National Consensus
(2 MB, 23 pages), June 6, 1983
- House of Commons Representation and Senate Reform
(2 MB, 23 pages), October 13, 1983
- Reforming Parliamentary Democracy, 2003, F. Leslie Seidle and David C. Docherty, eds. Copies for $29.95 are available by contacting McGill-Queen's University Press.
Provincial and Territorial Politics
The CSPG has launched a long-term project for a series of papers* on all the provincial and territorial legislatures. They will be available on this site as they are completed.
- Alberta
(905 kB, 36 pages)
- Manitoba
(197 kB, 26 pages)
- New Brunswick
(339 kB, 58 pages)
- Newfoundland and Labrador
(322 kB, 43 pages)
- Nova Scotia
(257 kB, 29 pages)
- Ontario
(228 kB, 42 pages)
- Prince Edward Island
(303 kB, 45 pages)
- Quebec
(651 kB, 34 pages)
- Saskatchewan
(180 kB, 35 pages)
- Yukon
(260 kB, 34 pages)
- Northwest Territories
(186 kB, 14 pages)
* These publications have been commissioned by the Canadian Study of Parliament Group as part of its commitment to study and discussion of Canada's legislatures. Each paper has been researched and written by an independent scholar and peer-reviewed by leading academic experts. The views expressed in the paper are those of the author.
Technology, Parliaments and Citizens
- Parliament, Technology and Citizens
(44 kB, 9 pages) - 2007 Conference
- Bilingualism and the Canadian House of Commons 40 Years after B and B
(149 kB, 27 pages), Bruce Hicks, 2007
- Whom Do You Trust? The Growing Relationship between Legislative Assembly Officers and Citizens
(68 kB, 16 pages) - 2006 Conference
- The Confidence Convention under the Canadian Parliamentary System
(136 kB, 34 pages), Dr. Donald Desserud, 2006
- Canada: A Democratic Audit
(66 kB, 15 pages), 2005 Conference
- Members of Parliament, Voters and Democracy in the Canadian House of Commons
(58 kB, 16 pages), Bill Cross, October 2000
- It's Awfully Crowded in Here: Adjusting to the Five Party House of Commons
(169 kB, 18 pages), David Docherty, October 1998; Introduction
(66 kB, 1 page), Bibliography
(69 kB, 1 page)
- Direct Democracy: We Have the Technology
(1 MB, 23 pages), May 25, 1996
- The Eclipse of Parliament? The Concentration of Power in Canadian Politics
(116 kB, 23 pages) - 1999 Conference proceedings
- Interactive Government: Sorting Out the Fads and Fundamentals
(1 MB, 22 pages), November 1-2, 1996
- The Parliamentary Precinct: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
(1 MB, 21 pages), June 8, 1995
- Parliaments in the Eye of the Information Storm: Citizen Consultation and Public Service Accountability
(1 MB, 24 pages), November 3-4, 1995
- Accommodating Mechanisms of Direct Democracy in the Parliamentary System
(505 kB, 9 pages), June 12, 1994
- Public Attitudes about Parliament
(871 kB, 13 pages), June 2, 1991
- Parliament, Parties and Regionalism
(871 kB, 13 pages), June 14, 1991
- Parliament and Foreign Affairs
(3 MB, 33 pages), April 30-May 2, 1984
- New Parliament, New Government, Old Public Service: The Changing of the Guard
(3 MB, 40 pages), October 25, 1979
Leaders, Parties and Parliamentarians
- Presentations on women and minorities in Parliament from the November 19, 2010 Conference on "Paths to Parliament". Presentations were made by Dr. Jerome Black
(115 kB, 4 pages), Dr. Mona Lena Krook
(414 kB, 10 pages), Dr. Sylvia Bashevkin
(73 kB, 4 pages), Alison Loat
(135 kB, 20 pages), Dr. David Docherty
(589 kB, 13 pages), Dr. William Cross
(282 kB, 12 pages), Dr. Louise Carbert
(1 MB, 17 pages) and Dr. Karen Bird
(456 kB, 15 pages).
- All Politics is Local: The Constituency Dimension of Federal Politics
(81 kB, 14 pages), 2005 Conference
- The Requisites of Leadership in the Modern House of Commons
(160 kB, 27 pages), Christine de Clercy, November 2001
- Party Caucuses: Behind Closed Doors
(308 kB, 30 pages), Paul Thomas, May 1998
- The Election and Parliament: What Voters Sought, What Voters Got
(4 MB, 55 pages), October 27-28, 1994
- Party Discipline: Should it be loosened?
(1 MB, 17 pages) June 8, 1993
- Research and Information for Parliamentarians
(2 MB, 21 pages), October 24-25, 1988
- Liberating the Private Member
(1 MB, 16 pages), October 20-21, 1986
- Whips and Discipline
(1 MB, 14 pages), March 18, 1983
- First Ministers' Conferences
(6 MB, 72 pages), May 30, 1981
The Constitution, the Crown and the Charter
- Address by C.E.S. Franks
(105 kB, 8 pages) at our March 26, 2010 Spring Seminar on the Role of the Governor General, Canadian Constitutionalism: 1791-1991
(11 MB, 222 pages), November 1-2, 1991
- Putting the Charter of Rights to Work
(1 MB, 19 pages), March 14-15, 1988
- The Constitutional Resolution and Legislative Authority in Canada
(7 MB, 87 pages), January 9-10, 1981
Accountability and Ethics
- The ‘Responsible Government Approach’ and Its Effect on Canadian Legislative Studies
(175 kB, 17 pages), Jonathan Malloy, November 2002
- Accountability, Committees and Parliament
(3 MB, 39 pages), May 19, 1993
- Responsible Government
(1 MB, 19 pages), October 27-28, 1989
- Single-Issue Groups: Their Impact on Nominations, Candidates and Members of Parliament, June 1, 1989
- Interest Groups and Parliament
(2 MB, 26 pages), April 12-13, 1989
- Lobbying: Will Registration of Lobbyists Work?
(1 MB, 15 pages) March 20-21, 1986
- The Future of the House of Commons and Parliament and Accountability
(2 MB, 28 pages), May 6-7, 1982
- Press and Parliament: Adversaries or Accomplices?
(6 MB, 81 pages) April 18-19, 1980
- Accountability to Parliament
(4 MB, 51 pages), April 7, 1978
- Taking Stock of 150 Years of Responsible Government in Canada, F. Leslie Seidle and Louis Massicotte, eds., 1999.
Copies for $20 are available by contacting the CSPG.
Mechanisms of Parliament
- Public Accounts Committee Profiles and Performace in Canada
(1 MB, 67 pages), (Annex
(59 kB, 4 pages), Rick Stapenhurst and Cindy Kroon, January 4, 2011
- The Impact of Parliamentary Officers on Canadian Parliamentary Democracy: A Study of the Commissioner of the Environement and Sustainable Development & The Environment Commissioner of Ontario
(247 kB, 67 pages), David Pond, 2008
- The Role of Clerks in the Parliamentary System
(962 kB, 14 pages), (An address given by Sir Clifford Boulton, Clerk of the House of Commons of the United Kingdom), September 26, 1994
- The Work of the Special Committee on Standing Orders and Procedure
(787 kB, 11 pages), November 5, 1982
- The Budgetary Process
(6 MB, 75 pages), November 18, 1977
- The Senate
(4 MB, 55 pages), January 26, 1979
Luncheon Addresses
- Luncheon Address by Dr. Paul G. Thomas
(55 kB, 25 pages) during the CSPG December 9, 2006 Conference
- Luncheon Address by Hugh Segal
(23 kB, 6 pages) during the CSPG March 11, 2005 Conference
- Remarks by James R. Mitchell
(35 kB, 7 pages) during the September 29, 2004 Orientation session for new Members of Parliament
- Remarks by David Smith
(74 kB, 4 pages) during the 2004 Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association
- Symbol or substance: Theatre, political career paths, and Parliamentary behaviour in Canada
(215 kB, 23 pages), Dr. K. Blidook's PowerPoint Presentation during the 2012 Spring Conference The Media and Parliament